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vendredi 18/10/2024

Arrested in Serbia is the head of the group of Serbian terrorists Milan Radoicic (« Arkan » of the XXI century) who failed in the occupation of the north of Kosovo. In his letter, he « amnestises » his friend, Serbian President Vucic

Belgrade, October 3 – Milan Radoicic, the controversial businessman who, according to his claims, is the organizer of the armed conflict in Banjska, Kosovo, where four people lost their lives, was arrested today, the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs announced, informs the Swiss Albanian newspaper Le Canton27.ch He has been sent to the Palace of Justice in Belgrade, where the High Public Prosecutor’s Office is located, and is expected to present his defense for the terrorist attack before 10 days in the north of Kosovo.

Le Canton27.ch: Milan Radoicic is the « Arkan » of the 20th century!

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia has previously announced that Radoicic has been deprived of his freedom and that he has been detained for up to 48 hours. His arrest was also welcomed by the Kosi community in Zvcer and the entire diaspora. According to the Swiss newspaper Le Canton27.ch, « Of course, Radoicic was arrested in Serbia to save Serbia from international consequences and to save Serbian President Vucic on the eve of the elections. He was arrested in Serbia, to avoid being arrested by the international police – Interpol.

For him, prison in Serbia will be heaven. With this arrest, Serbian President Vučić tries to distance himself from this terrorist group in Serbia, because everyone knows and the media around the world know that he is behind it. Vucic was not only of Radocic but also of the last dictator in Europe, Slobodan Milosevic.. »

According to the Swiss Albanian newspaper Le Canton27.ch, he is the « Arkan » of the 20th century! who was connected to the Serbian mafia and criminals in Serbia and Kosovo, in which gangs of smuggling of all kinds (drugs, weapons, oil, cigarettes, immigrants, prostitutes…) were also involved Kosovar leaders.

It is reported that his apartment and bar were searched, after which he was sent for questioning to the facility of the High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade, where he is currently located. In the terrorist attack of September 24 in Banjské i Zveçani, the policeman Afrim Bunjaku was killed « On October 3, 2023, the police officers of the Criminal Police Directorate searched the apartment and other premises of Milan Radoicic, who was ordered to be detained by the police for up to 48 hours. He has been brought to the High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade with a criminal report », says the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The head of the Serbian terrorists who attacked Kosovo on September 24, Milan Radojci, « amnestises » the president of Serbia, Aleksander Vucic, in his letter.

Milan Radoicic has admitted that he participated in the action in the Republic of Kosovo. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo, Xhelal Svecla, has published a video, Milan Radoicic armed in front of the U Church (monastery) in Banjska te Svecan.

« I, Milan Radojicic, father Rajko, born in the Republic of Serbia, due to the many speculations that have appeared, inform the public that together with my compatriots from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, on September 24 I came to the north of Kosovo and Metohija, up to the village of Banjské. The reason for our return was to encourage the Serbian people from that area to resist the terror they are exposed to every day. I inform all the persecuted in office of the Serbian people, from Kurt to the many foreign helpers, that I personally made all the logistical preparations for the protection of the people and this act has nothing to do with my previous involvement political. I have not informed anyone about this, not even the authorities of the Republic of Serbia, nor have I received help from them because we already had different positions on the issue of Kurti’s terror », wrote Radoicic in the letter read by his lawyer. Goran Petronijevic, in which he took responsibility for the events in the village of Banjska.

Who is the criminal Milan Radojcic?

Milan Radojicic, who is a Serbian politician part of the « black list » of the USA Milan Radojicic, that is, the resignation of the vice president of the political entity Lista Serbe, part of the Serbian government, Swiss newspapers in Albanian Le Canton27.ch It is part of the sanctions that the US, namely the Treasury Department, imposed on the organized crime group operating in the north of Kosovo. The list also includes northern crime boss Zvonko Veselinovic and his brother Zarko Veselinovic. The US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control targeted 16 individuals from 24 entities in several European and Northern Hemisphere countries, including Zvonko Veselinovic and his responsible organized crime group. for the trafficking of goods, money, narcotics and weapons between Kosovo and Serbia, this office announces through a press release.

The statement says that Zvonko Veselinovic and his brother Zarko Jovan Veselinovic have reached an agreement with politicians to help their parties win the elections and in return the politicians will guarantee the Veselinovic brothers control of some businesses. in some regions. In the list of the organized criminal group of Zvonko Veselinovic are: Marko Rosic, Andrija Zeljko Bojic, Srdjan Milivoje Vulovic, Milan Mihajlovic, Miljan Radisavljevic, Radovan Radic, Sinisha Nedeljkovic, Radule Stevic.

Arrested in Serbia is the head of the group of Serbian terrorists Milan Radoicic (« Arkan » of the XXI century) who failed in the occupation of the north of Kosovo. In his letter, he « amnestises » his friend, Serbian President Vucic

Arrêté en Serbie est le chef du groupe de terroristes serbes Milan Radoicic (l’« Arkan » du XXe siècle !) qui n’a pas réussi à occuper le nord du Kosovo. Dans sa lettre, il «amnistie» son ami, le président serbe Vucic

In Serbien wurde der Anführer der serbischen Terroristengruppe Milan Radoicic („Arkan“ des 21. Jahrhunderts) verhaftet, die bei der Besetzung des Nordens des Kosovo gescheitert war. In seinem Brief „amnestiert“ er seinen Freund, den serbischen Präsidenten Vucic

In Serbia è stato arrestato il capo del gruppo di terroristi serbi Milan Radoicic (l' »Arkan » del XXI secolo!) che non è riuscito a occupare il nord del Kosovo. Nella sua lettera «amnistia» il suo amico, il presidente serbo Vucic

Uhapšen u Srbiji šef grupe srpskih terorista Milan Radoičić („Arkan“ XXI veka) koji je neuspeo u okupaciji severa Kosova. On u svom pismu „amnestiše“ svog prijatelja, predsednika Srbije Vučića

В Сербии арестован руководитель группы сербских террористов Милан Радойчич («Аркан» XXI века), потерпевшей неудачу в оккупации севера Косово. В своем письме он «амнистирует» своего друга, президента Сербии Вучича.

V Serbii arestovan glava gruppy serbskikh terroristov Milan Radoychich (« Arkan » XXI veka!), ne sumevshey okkupirovat’ sever Kosovo. V svoyem pis’me on «amnistiruyet» svoyego druga, prezidenta Serbii Vucica.


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