7.5 C
jeudi 13/03/2025

Mr. Kurti, This draft Statute is deadly for the sovereignty of Kosovo!


The Draft-Statute offered has a total of 45 articles and is divided into 7 chapters. Here are the deadly elements of this Draft-Statute)

Article 7; Other communities (non-Serbian) should be represented in all the bodies of the Association, reflecting the ethnic diversity of the member municipalities. (The legal “security” is missing, which would create the mandatory mechanism!?)

Article 12; The association can establish relations and enter into cooperation agreements with other local and international associations of municipalities, local authorities, regions and other local self-government units in other countries. (The fact and the act that this Association will be able to enter into a cooperation agreement… means an irreparable infringement (in the future!) of sovereignty, which even with the Ahtisaari Plan is hurtful and highly discriminatory for the Albanians of northern Kosovo ).

Article 13; The association will engage in the promotion and protection of the rights and interests of the Kosovo Serb community. do I change even a single letter of myself without the consent of the Serbs?! Unfortunately, this article, instead of proposing alternatives to citizenship (as there are many examples in the democratic world) is doubling and long-term concretization of a (handful of Serbian citizens ) community on ethnic basis!?);

Article 14; In order to facilitate the exercise of these powers, the bodies of the Association have the right to approve the following:

a) Regulations.

b) Decisions. (What decisions!; political, legal…it’s not specified at all! With these, Decisions (that no one knows at all!) Mr. KM will put a “noose around his throat” for generations. Because, the term and notion DECISION ( in legal and especially sociological language) can be interpreted and even perceived as a legitimate right to secede! Goal and hope that Serbia has nurtured for decades…);

Article 15; The association will manage the educational and health institutions, which are directly financed by Serbia, in accordance with the specific procedures defined in this Statute and in accordance with the legislation in force. (This article brilliantly creates the predisposition of “ethnic distance”, not coexistence and the “standard” of multiethnicity and multiculturalism, which in the Western world is considered the alpha and omega of sublime democratic values!; p

Article 16; The “Kosovo Serbian Educational Network” and the “Kosovo Serbian Health Network” will be established as private providers of education and health under the responsibility of the Association (This means that in the educational programs of the Serbian minority, the history and ” the myth about Kosovo, as the cradle of Serbization”!? Likewise, with (this article) Your approval, division (instead of unity) will be installed and hatred between generations of Serbs and Albanians will increase!) emphasizing Serbia as the financial contributor, as and the main offices of these providers currently located in Serbia;

Article 21; “The Serbian Education Network of Kosovo” will issue double diplomas (Why double? There is no justification, neither legal nor political, nor even sociological for this article! If this is the case, why in this article this rule cannot valid also for the Albanians of the Valley!?) The design of the diploma (diploma awarded by Kosovo) awarded by the “Serbian Education Network of Kosovo”, in accordance with the law in force, will be regulated by a special agreement between the provider and the competent authorities.

(Recommendation: Mr. KM of Kosovo, the current Draft, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings and misinterpretations, should have an additional “security” (exclusively; legal) also for the Albanian minority, which still lives and operates in the northern part of the country. Such a “security” which, in addition to avoiding misunderstandings, could guarantee the (majority) Albanian citizens that this type of Association would never become a Kosovar “Serb Republic”. Therefore, I ask you to share the “burden” and responsibility of the Association (that you were once uncompromising towards it) (in the Assembly) with; the opposition, civil society, the academic world. But if you think that Vuçiqi will reject it, you should reconsider your position once again. Because, at the last moment, He can say YES to this version! And the blame again in history will be addressed to you (who precisely thanks to the Association became the CM of Kosovo), not to Vučić, nor to today’s opposition (that was deceived with the privileges of power and signed in 2011 and 2015), nor to the deputies who and consciously voted in the Parliament of Kosovo, this “political cancer” for Kosovar citizenship, sovereignty and democracy…

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